When you step to the line

Vidéo, durée 8’
Seul. Pieds face à la ligne. Imagine le ballon rouler sur tes doigts. Regarde-le se déplacer dans les airs et visualise sa trajectoire. Tes mains restent suspendues dans le vide. Le ballon frôle le filet. Swish ! Réinterprétant la performance Breaking The Backboard, Frédéric Liver se plonge dans ce monde et ses matières, pour les incarner de manière personnelle et solitaire.
Alone. Feet facing the line. Imagine the ball rolling over your fingers. Visualise its trajectory as it moves through the air. Keep your hands in the air. The ball crosses the net. Swish!In his reinterpretation of the Breaking The Backboard performance, Frédéric Liver immerses himself in this world and its materials, embodying them in a personal and solitary way.
A film by and with Frédéric Liver
Music performed by Simone Vebber
When you step to the line is a project supported by the Région Grand Est as part of the Grant "Aide aux projets de création - Arts visuels".